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DajinWolf | dajin.wolf@yahoo.com | June 9th 2009, 1:08:14 AM | Where is Europe? I only know my territory.
Reply from Akela Taka: Can't you read in the stars? Oh my; learn on, young wolf... |
brianna | ericafranks51@yahoo.com | June 8th 2009, 6:46:01 PM | hey,akela i love the drawing of you as a puppy its so cute i have gray and white fur the gray part is on my back and at the tip of my tail and the rest of me is white. I hate these stupid bugs i was trying to eat pig meat this morning and the kept bothering me. well i have to go by akela
Reply from Akela Taka: Bugs? Where? Where!?? *runs away from BUGS swarm invasion* |
DajinWolf | dajin.wolf@yahoo.com | June 4th 2009, 5:43:25 PM | Where is Czech Rep.?
Reply from Akela Taka: In the Heart of Europe :) |
Brian Cat | KittyKittyCatty@hot.mail | June 4th 2009, 4:14:54 AM | mow mow i m de cat
i hope i m not chased by de wolfs
Reply from Akela Taka: *eats you* |
brianna | ericafranks51@yahoo.com | June 3rd 2009, 7:17:16 PM | hey, dajinwolf i believe you i also have wings there white wings with some gray in them like my fur i have to go to the doctor tuesday i dread it i hope i am in good shape. |
GERALD | geraldfootball45@myspace.com | June 2nd 2009, 8:44:08 PM | I SAW A WOLF ONE TIME IT WAS EATING MY FATHER.
Mary Mapes | niurtarow@gmail.com | June 1st 2009, 11:40:20 PM | Hello Akela Taka. I just sent you an email. Have a wonderful day, and keep drawing.
Reply from Akela Taka: Hi! Thank you for the mail, I received it. I am not sure what to reply really, because it didn't give any conversation theme... but I am very pleased that you like my art so much that you've spent some time writing me about it and about yourself! ^^ |
DajinWolf | dajin.wolf@yahoo.com | June 1st 2009, 3:57:13 PM | Hey Brianna, I am a gray wolf with a with white wings. Not much to my appierrence, and I wear a golden watch around my neck. I got some scars, here, there, mainly on my paws. It's OK I you don't believe me, I mean, no one would believe a real, winged wolf is typing on the Interenet.
Reply from Akela Taka: Why shouldn't she believe you? I am a winged wolf typing on computer too.. actually, we're quite common these days :-D |
hannah | hanleaj@yahoo.com | May 30th 2009, 4:29:58 AM | hi akela!!! im kinda new here! I am fasinated by all your arkwork.I have always loved wolves and this website is so cool! Its like you totally like all the things I like!!Im an artist too! your art inspires me so much!! Well, by Akela
Reply from Akela Taka: Glad to hear that. Thank you very much! ^^ |
Henry Wolfenford | HenryWulf32@google.com | May 29th 2009, 2:10:47 AM | Yes, did you know my name is very similar to the word "Wolf?" I have found your site by searching the whole internet for my name.
Yes, do you like Wolfs?
Reply from Akela Taka: Yes, I do like Wolfs! |
brianna | ericafranks51@yahoo.com | May 29th 2009, 2:05:37 AM | its been a good day here at Kentucky. school out for two months! i had some pig meat. i am going to play with my wolf plushies! have a good day Akela
Reply from Akela Taka: You already have holidays? :) Well, I do, too, partly. It's the EXAMS TIME! (ta-daa) |
The Riddler | BarbaraDavidson@hotmail.hotmail | May 29th 2009, 2:02:22 AM | What do you say when someone is annoying you?
Make like a tree, and leaf!
Reply from Akela Taka: Tree? Leaf? WTF? Poor brothers and sisters plants... |
brianna | ericafranks51@yahoo.com | May 28th 2009, 12:25:05 AM | i fight becouse the people that come on my side of the gym are mean like the boy thats coming on my side says i am a fat thing that makes me angery and this wolf is not letting him get away with it!!!
i am a kind wolf to i treat my family with respect. i play with my toys as long as people dont tick me off like calling me names i do fine.
Reply from Akela Taka: If somebody fights me vocally, I fight them vocally back... :) |
brianna | ericafranks51@yahoo.com | May 27th 2009, 9:35:00 PM | hey,dajinwolf i am pretty good at battling like me and my friends we get in battles to see who is alpha female i win most of the time. i own half of my gym at school if sombody comes over on my side i dont like they get it!!!!!
hey,dajinwolf i have gray and white fur big brown eyes and big fluffy tail what do you look like as a wolf?
Reply from Akela Taka: A... menacing, vicious wolf are you? Nice to meet you, I am ... quite alike. But only because people fear my teeth and size. In fact, I am very kind, loving and calm wolf that starts a fight only as a last resort. |
DajinWolf | dajin.wolf@yahoo.com | May 27th 2009, 8:40:04 PM | Hey,brianna!
If you think you are wolf matierial, how good are you in battling? If your stuck in a battle and losing, there's gonna be trouble, trust me, I know. Me and Koku have been in plenty of battles before.
Reply from Akela Taka: So, what is this "matierial" you keep talking about? ^^; |
brianna | ericafranks51@yahoo.com | May 26th 2009, 11:09:31 PM | hey i wanted to ask you am i wolf materail here are some things i do to act like a wolf one,i eat alot second,i howl at the moon third, i scar things that come on my land. am i wolf materail? could i be a pack leader if i were a wolf?since i am in fourth grade i need to let my inner wolf out.oh theres somthing i wanted to ask do you have indian in you? i am half indian!
Reply from Akela Taka: Can I ask what is a "materail" (or matierial??). I've never heard that word and it is not in a dictionary.
Why do you need to let your inner wolf out BECAUSE you are a fourth-grade? X-D That makes no sense...
I have no indian in myself. I do believe that I come from Northern America, though, rathen than Europe (in my prevous life as a wolf). I do have a wolf soul. |
brianna | ericafranks51@yahoo.com | May 26th 2009, 12:50:43 AM | hi i wrote you on this a few months ago maybe but i know how much you love wolves like me so on this show i was waching i showed how to skin a wolf IT WAS SOOOOOOO SAD i cried my eyes out it was horrible!!!! its very heart breaking to a fourth grader like me who loves wolves i just got a new cel-phone and my wallpaper is kissing wolves its so cute well i better be goining
hey the text i sent you and when i said i showed how to skin wolf the word was the word it i thought you should now that
hey i love you wolf collection i onley have like 2 stuffed wolves and 1 wolf statue sorry about my spelling i am only in fourth grade but anyway here in kentucky you cant hardly find wolf stuff what state do you live in? and the coolest thing is one of my stuffed wolves is named akela well got to get to bed
Reply from Akela Taka: How to skin a wolf? Well... that must have been disgusting; I saw something terrible on TV once too (abuse of a puppy dog), I could hardly sleep. I'm very sensitive when it comes to canines :-/
Most of my wolf collection comes from America (Ebay), though I find a lot of stuff here, in the Czech Republic, too. Mainly books and plushies. |
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All of the images and graphics have been made by me (Akela Taka). Please do not copy, use or redistribute them without my permission. Copyright © 2002 - 2010 Akela Taka. All copyrighted characters belong to their respective owners. |