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Contact me

If you have any questions (and you didn't find the answer here on this website), please feel free to ask me about anything using these contacts; I'll almost always answer your questions until they are totally pointless (just imagine which questions must have lead me to write this message here... X-D).
ICQ: 131246089
AIM: AkelaTakaWolf
Skype: akela_taka

My Internet Accounts
I have many accounts all over the net; I am listing here the most used ones so you know you are really talking to me :)

DeviantArt: akelataka
Google+: Akela Taka
Picasa: akelatakawolf
YouTube: akelatakawolf
SheezyArt: akelataka
LiveJournal: akelataka
Neopets: akelatakawolf akelataka
VCL: Akela-Taka
Second Life: AkelaTaka Pidgeon akelataka
PJZ Suicune Wolf suicune.wolf
Česká PokéGalerie Suicune Wolf Akela Taka
Flickr: akelataka
Facebook: Akela Taka
Twitter: akelatakawolf
Animefest: Akela Taka

All of the images and graphics have been made by me (Akela Taka). Please do not copy, use or redistribute them without my permission. Copyright © 2002 - 2010 Akela Taka. All copyrighted characters belong to their respective owners.