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Moony | Moonshiny7@aol.com | http://www.suncoast-island.de.vu | March 31st 2004, 2:22:36 PM | Ok, Akela Taka. You can draw other animals.^^ But please use the nicknames (I remember: Xsaphira, Ryuneru and Shayenn). bye, Moony. PS: I can´t draw so good like you, but I can draw a Picture for you , say only wich animal(or wich Anime-Charakter) or say me a name and I draw you a Picture from this animal/charakter. |
Bagheera ;) | laurencevanlandeghem@hotmail.com | http://www.google.be | March 30th 2004, 4:46:46 PM | heya :) ur pic of akelataka is really owning..yesterday i tried to draw Kovu but didn't worked well, i really admire you u really draw like the best..i'm asking u a reaquest too.. i got someone to make present for.. and the person likes wolves much.. its like silvercolored wolf, very big(127cm) and tall, he has yellow eyes, he looks very wise, has a black, tall nose..thats what i know about it.. plsss can you do me that favour to make that wolf draw? i hope u can, i'll be gratefull to you for whole my life if u do..thx already... XXX Bagheera/Laurence |
Akela Taka | akela@lionking.org | http://akelataka.czweb.org | March 30th 2004, 4:01:02 PM | Lion King: V pohodě, můžeme si psát... stačí mi napsat e-mail... už takhle si s pár kamarády e-mailuji ;) Moony: I have drawn many pictures with wolves... let me draw other animals, too ;) |
Moony | Moonshiny7@aol.com | http://www.suncoast-island.de.vu | March 30th 2004, 2:04:24 PM | Can you draw a beauty Picture with a Wolf (please^^). perhaps I can help you with nicknames from Suncoast Island(my page). Xsaphira (that´s me^^), Ryuneru and Shayenn. Can you make a Picture with this three chrakters as wolves??? or is this to much for you(I don´t hope this^^)?? |
Lion King | Julkova@seznam.cz | March 29th 2004, 8:45:46 AM | nádherné obrázky, všechny jsou nádherné ale nejradši mám ty s vyobrazením postaviček z Lvího krále, kdyby se třeba chtělo tak mi můžeš nějaký ten pěkný obrázek z Lvího krále poslat, nebylo by to zadarmo. Má adresa je: Velké Hamry, č.p. 258, 468 45 (mohli by sme se také blíže seznámit dopisy, hrozne bych se chtěla seznámit s nějakou kamarádkou jako třeba s tebou...) mužeš napsat! |
Akela Taka | akela@lionking.org | http://akelataka.czweb.org | March 26th 2004, 7:53:51 PM | No, nebojte se, rušit se nebude. To si z vás jen někdo vystřelil a vy mu taky hned naletíte na špek. *Cháácháá* ---- -vše uvedeno do pořádku a vtípek vymazán- (A ne, doopravdy jsem to nepsala já X-D) |
Kat | Lugia2888@aol.com | March 20th 2004, 3:27:25 AM | Awesome Art! I've spent my whole day just looking at all of your pictures! XD When are you adding new pictures? |
Anka | ankasdg@wp.pl | March 16th 2004, 5:38:43 PM | tak tak bla bla slowakia bla bla :D eh a kiedy ktoś zwróci na mnie uwage IM FROM POLISH!! |
Tinočka | centrum@timity.sk | March 16th 2004, 3:56:27 PM | Ďakujem! Ani neviem ako sa poďakovaĹĄ. Ďakujem! |
Kirara | kirara@earthlink.net | http://fanart.lionking.org/imgarchive/?FanArt/Kirara | March 16th 2004, 3:18:34 AM | OMG arent you from TLK FAA?? ive hear of you...... damn i didnt get to see your archive yet.......... going there as of now...... i am also an artist there......... ^^ check out Kirara sometime........ KEWL SITE!!! i will add it to my favs.......... click ..... lol cya round Kirara pronounced Key la la ~YEA I KNOW SHES FROM INUYASHA but i love her so i took my artist name and mad it the same~ |
The Sight | theweirdone@yahoo.com | March 16th 2004, 12:43:43 AM | Your art is wonderful! I don't suppose you could do my creature....no, probaly not. |
MistyGreyRaven | jewelfulgals@yahoo.com | March 16th 2004, 12:40:21 AM | I love your art...but mainly the wolf pictures. They're all beautifuly done. I myself am a wolf, by the name of MistyGrey. Your pictures are quite insipering, just to let you know... |
Bree[Latias]Fogg | fuzzygothgirl@yahoo.com | March 14th 2004, 10:07:11 PM | Hi! i love your pokemon friend photos....! could you draw one with me! |
Tinočka | centrum@timity.sk | March 13th 2004, 5:10:40 PM | Ahoj, Vieš, že kreslíš Ăşžastne? Ja tiež trochu kreslím ale chýba mi skener. a teraz k tomu, čo som vlastne chcela: ja píšem sériu poviedok o Removi Lupinovi - Ĺ˝ivot vlkolaka - a zháĹam obrázok. ty si nakreslila jeden naozaj Ăşžastný a ... Asi vieš, čo chcem, však? Pjosím, pjosím, pekne pjosím... |
mihami | @aaangel@pobox.sk | March 13th 2004, 4:06:55 PM | Krasne,krasne.Mas velky talent.Povedala by som toho viac,nuz co nemam cas. |
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All of the images and graphics have been made by me (Akela Taka). Please do not copy, use or redistribute them without my permission. Copyright © 2002 - 2010 Akela Taka. All copyrighted characters belong to their respective owners. |